Feel like joining us for a meeting? Well here’s the good news, we collect NO member fees/dues. Everyone including college students, high school students, and members of the general public are welcome to attend our meetings and vote on shows. Certain levels of attendance are needed for member voting privileges in the officer elections (4 consecutive meetings or 8 meetings during a semester). Due to university policy, only Bloomsburg University students can run for officer positions within the club and vote in these elections. Please be warned some shows we watch have varying degrees of nudity, violence, and innuendo, so please keep that in mind before attending, as we take no responsibility for any offences. We meet every Monday and Thursday from 7:45 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. in Bakeless Center Room 107.
Text Directions to Bloomsburg:
To arrive here:
East of Bloomsburg: Use I-80 west to Exit 236A south.
West of Bloomsburg: Use I-80 east to Exit 236 south.
South of Bloomsburg: From Central Pennsylvania, take Routes 11 and 15 north
Southeast Pennsylvania: take Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-476) to I-80 west (Pocono Exit) to Exit 236A south.
North of Bloomsburg: From the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area, take I-81 south to I-80 west to Exit 236A south.
The Williamsport area: take I-180 south to I-80 east to Exit 236.
From Exit 236, take Route 487 south and follow signs to campus, approximately one mile.
Campus Directions:
On Campus Directions: Walk in the Bakeless Center entrance facing the Warren Student Services Center and head into the classroom wing on the right. Keep right and look for us in the first classroom door on the left, Room 107.
Bakeless Center

Off Campus Directions: Drive in the middle entrance of Bloomsburg University off Route 487. The closest parking is the Bakeless/McCormick/Waller staff parking lot directly outside the building (Parking regulations end after 5:00 p.m. except for handicap and restricted parking stalls, must park nose in at all times.) After parking, you should see Bakeless Center as the octagon shaped building. Walk around to the main entrance of the building; it faces the Warren Student Services Center and head into the classroom wing on the right. Keep right and look for us in the first classroom door on the left, Room 107.
Campus Map

Images from Bloomsburg University.