Anime and Manga Resources
Anime News Network - One of the best anime news resources, extensive database of anime information.
ANIDB - Good anime information and BitTorrent site with extensive database of anime fansub groups.
Crunchyroll - Largest Anime licensor and streaming site in the United States.
Netflix - Internet Movie/TV resource.
YouTube - Nice general video resource, has a large amount of free anime clips, videos, fansubs, and AMV's.
deviantART - Great art resource.
AnimeCons - Anime con resource.
MyAnimeList - Organize your collection.
Anime Clubs
Penn State Anime Organization (PASO) - One of the larger anime clubs in PA.
Delaware Anime Society - Anime Society with three chapters based in Delaware and Pennsylvania.
Anime Conventions
Otakon - Large convention in Washington D.C.
Zenkaikon - Convention in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Tekko - Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Setsucon - Convention in Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Katsucon - Convention in National Harbor, Maryland
Colossalcon East - Convention in Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania
Comic Conventions
New York Comic Con - Large convention in New York City, New York.