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Officer History

Note: The majority of club records prior to Fall 2005 are unfortunately missing. We are attempting to reconstruct club history and officer information. If anyone has prior information, please contact our webmaster (information on the contact page) or post on our Facebook.

2023 - 2024 Administration
President: Jordan
Vice President: Ren
Secretary: Jarrett
Treasurer: Gehrig

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: N/A

2022 - 2023 Administration
President: Jordan
Vice President: Ren (Spring) - Emily (Fall)
Secretary: Gehrig (Spring) - Ren (Fall)
Treasurer: Jay

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: N/A

2021 - 2022 Administration
President: Emily
Vice President: Sierra
Secretary: Jordan
Treasurer: Jay

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: N/A

2020 - 2021 Administration
President: Emily
Vice President: Sierra
Secretary: Jordan
Treasurer: Jay

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: N/A

2019 - 2020 Administration
President: Raven
Vice President: Emily
Secretary: Sierra
Treasurer: Mitchell

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: N/A

2018 - 2019 Administration
President: Kat
Vice President: Mitchell
Secretary: Jon
Treasurer: Matt Y.

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: N/A

2017 - 2018 Administration
President: David
Vice President: Capria
Secretary: Kat
Treasurer: Dylan

Disciplinary Committee: LJ
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: Makayla, Robert

2016 - 2017 Administration
President: Chris B.
Vice President: David
Secretary: Kat
Treasurer: Capria

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: Elizabeth

2015 - 2016 Administration
President: Chris B.
Vice President: David
Secretary: Kat
Treasurer: Brooke

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: N/A

2014 - 2015 Administration
President: Matt
Vice President: David
Secretary: Valerie
Treasurer: Ronald

Disciplinary Committee: LJ and Molly
Event Committee: Matt
Public Relations: Austin
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: Ben, Davon, Kade, Tristin

2013 - 2014 Administration
President: Nate
Vice President: Matt
Secretary: Sam
Treasurer: Benjamin (Spike)

Event Committee: Nate
Public Relations: David
Service Committee: Aaron
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: Javier, Robyn, Valerie

2012 - 2013 Administration
President: Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin); Michael (Forba) (Elected, Non-Served)
Vice President: Nate; Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin) (Elected, Succession)
Secretary: Matt
Treasurer: Benjamin (Spike)

Event Committee: Nate
Public Relations: Jason
Service Committee: Aaron
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Freshmen Reps: Alex, Luke, Nick, Sivvy

2011 - 2012 Administration
President: Ryan P. ("Sec." Ryan)
Vice President: Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin)
Secretary: Benjamin (Spike) (Fall) - Sydney (Fall)
Treasurer: Michael (Forba)

Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Public Relations Committee: Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin)
Gaming Committee: Nate
Freshmen Reps: Kimberly, Matt

2010 - 2011 Administration
President: Kris (Longboat)
Vice President: Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin)
Secretary: Sydney (Spring) - Rocio (Fall/Spring)
Treasurer: Amanda (Munchkin)

Library Committee: Max
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Public Relations Committee: Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin)
Gaming Committee: Nate
Freshmen Reps: Benjamin (Spike), David, Mike (Shorty), Ronald, Sydney, Julia

2009 - 2010 Administration
President: Max
Vice President: Vacant (Spring), Jason (Fall)
Secretary: Rocio
Treasurer: Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin )

Library Committee: Rocio
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Public Relations Committee: Vacant (Spring), Jason (Fall)
Freshman Representatives: Kris (Longboat), Amanda (Munchkin), Elaine, Brad (Kandyman)

2008 - 2009 Administration
President: Max (Fall/Spring) - Fred (Frank) (Fall)
V.P.: Zombie Steve (Fall/Spring) - Josh (Dopple) (Fall)
Secretary: J.D. (Fall/Spring) - Max (Fall)
Treasurer: Erika

Library Committee: Erika
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Public Relations Committee: Max
Freshman Representatives: Ryan Y. (Power Dolphin II), Katie, Te, Anndei, Rocio

2007 - 2008 Administration
President: Ryan P. ("Sec." Ryan)
Vice President: Erika
Secretary: Max
Treasurer: Nayeem

Library Committee: Nayeem
Website Committee: Eric (Bob)
Public Relations Committee: Fred (Frank)
Freshman Representatives: Bobby (Charles), Jen, Amanda, Lauren

2006 - 2007 Administration
President: Eric (Bob)
Vice President: Erika
Secretary: Ryan P. ("Sec." Ryan)
Treasurer: Rachel

Library Committee: Nayeem
Freshman Representatives: Fred (Frank), Katelynn (Momo), Nayeem, Liz, Devin

2005 - 2006 Administration
President: Eric (Bob)
Vice President: Erika
Secretary: Ryan P. ("Sec." Ryan)
Treasurer: Laura (Fall); Andrew (Weasel) (Spring)
Acting Officer: Rachel (Spring)

Freshman Representatives: Rachel, Mallory

2004 - 2005 Administration
President: Tim (Spazzy)
Vice President: Heather
Secretary: Karie
Treasurer: Eric (Bob)

Freshman Representatives: Andrew (Weasel), Zombie Steve, Power Dolphin, (Nixon Resignees - Names Unknown)

2003 - 2004 Administration
President: Tim (Spazzy)
Vice President: Aaron; Heather
Secretary: Beth
Treasurer: Kim

Freshman Representatives: Steph, Meg

2002 - 2003 Administration
President: Dan
Vice President: Lan
Vice Vice President: Tim (Spazzy)
Secretary: Beth
Treasurer: Aaron

Freshman Representatives: Heather, Unknown

2001 - 2002 Administration
President: Dan
Vice President: Lan
Secretary: Joe
Treasurer: Jess

Freshman Representatives: Tim (Spazzy), Myra

2000 - 2001 Administration
President: Dan
Vice President: Lan
Secretary: Marney
Treasurer: Amy

1999 - 2000 Administration
President: Dan
Vice President: Lan
Secretary: Unknown
Treasurer: Unknown